Monday, May 28, 2007

Take Time To Stop & Smell The Flowers

Another great Carolina day. Pat, Melissa & Kenz spent their last day with us. We went to a great local park, but all the kids wanted to do was come home to eat and go swimming... so we did. As you can see, the kids have a blast at the pool. I think I am going to turn into a prune by the end of summer. Hope your enjoy the pics.

Click here to view our 2 new videos, "The Skateboard Kid '2'" & "Guitar Hero"

Til next time,
Shaun, Jamie, Owen & Justin

Visit us for all your Triangle Real Estate needs.


  1. Thanks for a great weekend everyone!! We had a great time and can't wait to get back down. Awesome job on the videos Shaun. Melissa and I thought the Guitar Hero should have been titled "The Roosta". Thanks again and keep up the good work down there.
    P.S. Thanks for the call O I hope you have fun with your new PS2, Just make sure you call me if you get Spiderman 3 cuz I really want to play that game. By the way...
    I like big booties and I can not lie...when a girl walks in... your bootie gets strong strong! love you guys.

  2. Looks like nothin but fun!!!
    We can see that all of you enjoy being together when PMM come down for a visit....
    By the time we come down in July I bet the boys will drip water when we hug them. They sure look like they enjoy the pool...Looking forward to coming down....Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  3. Looks like everyone had a really nice weekend, whats with the sour face on Justin in picture #5? and why are you guys hangen around "Andy Griffen" I love Andy!!! Maybe next time dad and visit we can go there. Sometimes I feel like old Aunt Bee. ~Love Mom, or Aunt Bee~ ha-ha xoxoxox to everyone :-)

  4. Hey I'm only able to view Skateboard Kid 2....Can't find Guitar Hero.....What happened to it???????

  5. Love the videos, the skateboarding one reminds me of a clip from "Jackass". Justin singing is adorable and owen with the guitar! cock-a doodle-doo!!! ~Love Mom~
