Monday, May 21, 2007

Fish out of water!

Owen had his 1st swim practice today. He did great. Even with his lack of formal training I think he is going to be a standout. He did freestyle, backstroke & the breaststroke. Mom & dad were really proud. Also, Justin is feeling much better and is starting to bounce back. Hopefully he can regain the 7 lbs. he lost while being sick! He was so excited to be feeling better and get in the pool and play around.
Until next time...
Shaun, Jamie, Owen & Justin
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  1. Hey do we have our very own "Mark Spitz"? Looks like he is having fun and we sure are glad to see Justin looking better. Love the videos......Hugs & Kisses, love Gramma & Grampa

    p.s. watch out for those SHARKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Justin couldn't afford to loose 7 pounds, I'll help him gain it back this weekend you know Aunt Sissa & her snacks.
    Go Owen Go! 3 different strokes, you are so impressive. I just thought of we get to see a t-ball game Saturday morning???
    Counting down the sleeps, we can't wait!
    Love You...Aunt Sissa

  3. Sorry for the late comment however, Justin is looking much better. Sweet skinny little boo-boo. Owen looks great in those spendex! what a professional. Wish we were there. :-( ~Love Mom~
