Sunday, May 20, 2007

A little bit of this, a little bit of that...

Just wanted to share a couple of pics with everyone. We had a pretty quiet weekend. Owen had a game on Saturday, he is still learning and improving. As you can see in the pics, he got to hold the flag for the pledge of allegiance. He thought he was pretty cool. We went down to the pool yesterday and today (I think Owen wants to spend the whole summer there). Yesterday was a little bit chilly. Justin has had a virus all week and is just starting to perk up.

Don't forget to check out our


  1. Hi y'all,

    Enjoyed the new blog. Glad to hear Justin is feeling better. Maybe next time we can see him jumping in the pool. Maybe you can set up a tent at the clubhouse and the boys can just spend the nights down there. That way they won't have to walk all the way home. Don't worry boys, Gramma is bringing her bikini in July. Hot babe Alert !!!!!!!!
    Owen you look like you are really having a good time playing ball.... Hope you have a good time next weekend !!!!!Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. Glad to see you guys are haveing fun under the "hot sun." Justin still looks a little weak, but Owen! well, Owen is just Owen. Love and miss everyone. ~Love Mom~
