Sunday, January 14, 2007

Family Weekend

Today was so much fun!!! Although, Owen has been running a temperature off and on we were able to still have some fun (as you can see by the pictures). The weather was sunny and about 75 degrees. It was great playing at the beach in the middle of January. We took our guests over to Jordan Lake and Apex Community Park and then just hung out around the house and played outside. The kids are having a blast and Owen is hanging in there depsite whatever illness he is trying to fight off. We all had a great weekend and are so glad Pat, Melissa, and Kenz made the trip.


Shaun, Jamie, Owen, Justin, Pat, Melissa, and Kenz

P.S. Owen lost his front tooth! (no pics though he was a little upset about it and wasn't ready to take a pic, remember he wasn't feeling that good today).


  1. WOW, It is great to see everyone had a good time at the lake today. We are expecting an ice storm with freezing temps. We are sure you won't miss this excitement. It is hard to beleive that Owen had his shirt off and a soaking from head to toe. Justin playing in the sand, having fun at the lake in January. That could never happen in Michigan unless you were a polar bear.
    We sure do miss you guys and we are glad to see are having warm fun.

  2. What is it midsummer ??????? Looks like you had a ball today at the beach....Just looks a little strange as I am sitting here in the midst of an ice storm..........Hope y'all had a great weekend together...P&M be careful on your drive home....Hugs and Kisses to, Gramma and Grampa

  3. Man. I am so jealous, shirts off in the middle of winter. I told Lisa, as soon as this baby boy is born we are selling the house and moving to NC. That's right a baby boy! We found out thursday. anyway miss you guys, wish you were here, better yet, wish we were there...peace

  4. Thanks for having us! We had a great time & can't wait to come back again. We are so happy for you guys, we love the house & North Carolina is awesome!!!
    Good night & We love you guys!!!
    Pat, Melissa & Mackenzie.
