Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!
It's hard to believe it is already 2010 and I can't believe we have already been here for 3 years. We didn't travel or have any visitors over the holidays, but we still managed to stay extremely busy. We had a fun 2 weeks with hockey, bowling, santa, parties and friends. The boys have been going non stop and playing a ton of hockey. It has been freezing here, only high 20's today. I think we might have to move further south if this keeps up.
Happy belated birthday to mom.

'Til next time...


  1. Hey, Hey, Hey, Happy New Year.....Gramma says she can ride those eraser scooters a whole lot better than that....she could show you guys a thing or two......Nice job with the jerseys, looking good !!!! The skills are looking good, keep up the good work......see you in the nhl soon......Gramma is getting old, she doesn't remember her favorite grandsons calling on her birthday so she thinks you should call again...........Hugs & Kisses, love, Grammma &

  2. Mom-Grandma ma-DonnaJanuary 3, 2010 at 6:47 PM

    Nice moves with hockey practice, and scooters. How cold could it be the boys had tee shirts on, better get ready because it is cold here. Happy Birthday Deb!love to everyone. Mom-Grandma ma- Donna~

  3. I agree with Donna, how cold can it be with T-shirts on. Owen said it best in the video - you are a wuss Shaun!!! I wish I had one of those scooters when I worked at Riverside - that would have been perfect -but now I would break a hip for sure! I think if you ever move again you are going to need a much bigger pod, love the fact that cars cannot fit in the garage because of kids stuff!!!!!! Happy New Year to everyone, thanks to the boys for the Christmas phone call I wish we would have been home although I hear anyone is lucky to get a 30 second phone conversation out of Justin. What are the kids involved in now that hockey is over? Jamie start giving the boys extra hugs and kisses to prepare them for the trip home - we Livernois aunts and girl cousins can't wait to get our arms around them. PS - There will be enough hugs and kisses for you two also. Counting the days down. Aaron is coming home for sure but probably not Lindsay. Love,Aunt Pam
