Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!


  1. Lets see, you can play your ds while listening to the mp3 as you ride your bikes to the camping grounds where you can play street hockey.....Sounds great....Looks like a Great Christmas.....Go Wings....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. Donna-Mom-Grandma-maDecember 27, 2009 at 8:31 PM

    Time is going by way to fast! Love the Christmas photos and video. Hard to believe it has been three years. Looking forward to the visit. Love mom-Donna-Grandma-ma. xoxoxoxo

  3. Wow! Looks like Santa was good to you guys!
    You got a lot of cool & fun stuff! Love seeing you guys in your Red Wings gear:) Great family pics!!
    Ha!Ha! Laughing at you guys posing with the statues just like Uncle Pat did when we were there.
    Counting down the weeks until your visit!! Can't wait!!! It's been way to long!
    xoxoxoxoxo Love you guys!!
    Aunt Sissa

  4. Still do not know how to put my name in without it showing up as anonymous - sorry. Wondering which one of the boys is turning goalie - I thought they were both scoring machines! So looking forward to ya all comin' home. Looks like the kids will be searching out the bike trails for some hill jumping. Can you take bikes into the skateboard cement ponds you have down there - better stock up on the bandaids and neosporin. Aunt Pam
