Thursday, November 13, 2008

Relivin' Old Glory Days!

When I was going through all of my hockey equipment trying to find stuff for the boys, I stumbled upon this prize possession. Brings back some memories. Jamie keeps calling me "Uncle Rico", but I think being a hockey stud is the reason she fell for me in the first place.

The video is of the boys in the garage. Justin got some new skates for hockey season and they have been testing them out. It reminds me of me and Pat. Justin is almost done with basketball and is going to start roller hockey in January. He is super excited. Owen is doing great and having a good time playing hockey. I am still having a lot of fun coaching. We had a heartbreaker of a loss last night. We scored in the opening minute to take a 1 goal lead for the 1st half of the game. The other team scored to tie it up late in the second period. We went in to overtime with a 1-1 game. We lost with less than 1 minute to go. It was a tough loss but it was by far our best game. I was really proud of my team and Owen and the improvement they are showing.

‘Til next time…


  1. Funny thing is, don't remember you and Patrick being that good......just kidding.....
    boy oh boy, the two of you are getting so big. Can't figure out how you haven't won every game as good as you are Owen. And Justie you are going to tear it up......Bet you two had to sit and listen to your dads stories about how he scored that first goal over and over, didn't you. Anyway you guys look great.....keep up the practicing and have fun..... Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. Great skating for little guys, where was Justins gear, looked like he was in his pj's. have a great weekend, love to everyone. Jamie don't forget to smack the boy butts for me. Love Mom.:-) xo

  3. Ha! I think that was the reason she fell for you in the 1st place, but now she asks herself seriously what was I thinking & I say sister he was cute then, anyway glad you could relive some memories Shaun!
    As fo my nephews can I have an autograph? You guys are AWESOME!!!
    Love & miss all of you xoxoxoxo

  4. I think you need a bigger garage.....Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. Still holding here in Michigan...Denise
