Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Xmas

Welll, as you can see, we have been keeping busy. We had some great weather, so we did a some hiking at Umstead State Park. The weather is now cold and rainy. We also did some bowling and put up our xmas decorations. The big news is that The Skateboard Kid "3" has finally been released. Please click here to view.
'Til next time...


  1. Inside, outside it doesn't matter, looks like you guys are always having fun. It's great to see the four musketeers traipsing through the woods or in the bowling alley. Just hope it was warmer there than it was here if you are getting soaked trying to cross the stream.....The christmas tree looks great but we don't see our presents under it???????
    And by the way , WHAT A SHOW !!!!!!!
    SKATEBOARD KID 3 will be nominated for oscars for movie of the year......Loved the star (OWEN L) and where did you find the new stud, J DOG, he is gonna break those hearts.....
    Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. Can tell Owen has been practicing and Justin is almost catching up to him in skill. Good job guys. I think I saw one of the ornaments Uncle Ken and I gave you on the tree - hope ya'all had a nice Thanksgiving. How did the turkey turn out Jamie? Aunt Pam
