Thursday, July 14, 2011

Summer Fun

It's been awhile since the last post. As you can see, we have been busy. We have spent some time at the skate park. There are pics of Justin's last day of school party and both of the boys on there first day of school this week. Hard to beleive it will be Owen's final year of elementary school. They have 2 more weeks of school and then they track out for 3 weeks. We spent a week in the mountains over the 4th of July. Grandma and grandpa also came down for a visit last week.

'Til next time...


  1. Absolutely great pictures.....looks like the vacation continues after 5 yrs.....The boys sure do have a good time with Miley and Rattie....Also like the fact that the pictures are almost all outside....Keep having fun, Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. The mountains look beautiful, and everyone seems to be enjoying the summer. Can't wait to see everyone and have some fun too! Love to all~ Mom, Donna, Grandmama. xo
