Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wipe Out!

As you can see, Owen had a gnarly wipe out on his scooter on Sunday. It's shaping up to be a nasty scab. Of course, he screamed his head off and is milking every minute. Seriously, it is pretty bad, he may have to sit out his last regular season hockey game tomorrow. Also, Justin finally lost his front tooth. The thing has been just hanging there for weeks, but he wouldn't let us pull it out.

'Til next time...


  1. What a difference a day can make, Justin you know your growing up when you start losing your teeth, you look so cute. Owen, honey that looks bad, grandma and pa pa are sorry you got hurt. Just keep milking it. We love and miss you boys, Love grandma ma and papa. xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Hey, another interesting weekend. Justie, now the money starts to roll in....bet you lose a lot of teeth in a hurry...lol.....and Owen wants to be like Uncle Pat.......or maybe it's that NC ground be a little uneven....but that does look like it hurts, so hang in there buddy.....We know a missing tooth and scrape leg won't slow you guys for long, so have fun. Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  3. tried to edit my post but couldn't. grammar mistakes

  4. Justin you just now lost that tooth? I wanted to pull it when we were there to visit 4 weeks ago!! I love your toothless smile:) Did the tooth fairy come again? & Don't forget you promised to mail me a Valentine!!!

    Owen~ OUCH!!! That looks worse then Uncle Pat's wipeout on the ripstick. Did you do that going down the hill too? You keep milking it, & get whatever you can out of it that.... looks like it hurts. Made me want to scream & say Ouch just looking at it!!

    Love & Miss you guys,
    xoxoxoxoxo Aunt Sissa

  5. Nice job on finally getting rid of that darn tooth Just! I hope the toothfairy brought you some cash. Owen, nice job on the leg. I guess you were listening when I told you that chics dig scars and rockstars. Make sure you tell the ladies that it happened when you were wrestling with a gator in the outback(they'll eat that up). Mine is just now healed all the way, so you've got a good month that you should be able to milk some dinners, ice creams, and maybe even a wii game. Do your best (and it's still not as bad as mine ha ha).
    love you guys
    Uncle Pat

  6. DUDE!! That looks painful! Ehh...
    I just bought one on those scooters, I'll be sure to wear knee pads!


  7. What a big gap for the tooth to come in, Justin you must be losing alot of milk through that opening when you drink!! Oh man Owen, I feel really bad for you. The thing about Uncle Pat is that I have seen him get scraped up in softball but that knucklehead trips over bags or slides past them to get icky scrapes- falling off a scooter like you did must have been awful. Have you gotten back on the scooter yet, I hope so. Wish I could be your nurse to help you heal. xoxxoxox Aunt Pam
