Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back to our routine!

Well, it took a few days to recuperate from our trip to MI, but we are now back in full swing. It has been an eventful week. On Tuesday, Owen & his buddy put on a free concert (see video). On Thursday evening we went to the Koka Booth Amphitheatre for there outdoor movie series to watch Gremlins. On Friday, Jamie had her last day of work, Owen had his last day of 1st grade & Justin had his last day of Vacation Bible School. On Justin’s last day they had a little performance, as you can see from the video, he still doesn’t like a crowd. However, at a small venue, that personality changes. Friday night we went over some friends and played Rock Band on the Xbox. Justin was on Bass, Owen on Guitar, Izzy singing, and yours truly on the drums. We tore it up. We should be going on tour in the fall so watch for dates in your area. Yesterday the boys had a stellar finish to their baseball seasons and then we were back on the boat. The lake was tough that day, with several extreme wipeouts on the tube and the wakeboard. I added a couple of my wipeouts on the video. I hope you enjoy a good laugh at my expense. We stayed out on the lake until dark and it was a gorgeous evening on the lake. Today we are just going to chill out and get some school supplies. Only 1 week until Owen starts 2nd grade and Justin starts kindergarten.

‘Til next time…


  1. Hey, looks like you guys are right back in the swing of things. ON VACATION AGAIN.
    Justin, you have to control that enthusiasm at bible school. lol. just kidding looks like you had a good time and love the pic of the trophy. And Owen, congrats on finishing 1st grade. Hope the three of you enjoy your week off before starting up again.

    And now on to you Shaun. You didn't do to bad. We can see some steady improvement. Looks like some snowboarding coming out on the crossover.....But, bet that hurt.... Jamie, when are we going to see you up on the board????? Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

  2. What a concert?? Wish I could of been there to see that in person.
    Nice hit Justin in your game!
    I can't believe in a week you guys will be starting Kindergarten & Second grade. Time is flying by!!
    Enjoy your week off & Shuan thanks for the laugh!!
    Love & miss everyone...
    Tell Fetch & Justin's little dog that Aunt Sissa said hello!
