Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Owen was so excited to get some pictures of our bird that he couldn't wait to post them on the blog. Soo, here are the two pictures of Owen training Fetch. He was so excited.

Have a great week!!

Owen and Fetch


  1. Owen you look so sweet with your little bird,and very happy too. Grandma ma wishes she could be there to hold it. That is a very lucky bird to have you as the owner, thanks for the snap-shots of you and fetch. Give Justin a kiss and tell him grandma ma and pa,pa love him, and we love you too. xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo Grandma ma -:)

  2. Nice bird. Nice trick. Fetch looks looks like a well behaved bird. You did a good job of teaching him to sit on your finger. You should try to teach Justin to sit like that. lol
    Glad to see you have a pet, Fetch is a cute little birdy.....take care and tell Justin we said HI.
    Hugs & Kisses, love, Gramma & Grampa

    p.s. Remember to keep the door shut......

  3. Owwwww his little sharp claws must hurt your finger when he sits on it. Has he taken off flying all over the room with the 4 of you trying to catch him? Did I miss how Owen decided to name him Fetch? He is a very pretty blue color, I thought parakeets were green, must be a UNC grown bird!!! When LIndsay comes to visit I will be sure to tell her to leave her two kitties at home.. ....

  4. Looks like you are doing a great job with Fetch. I love his color. Do you know if he is from the same family of birds as the Robidder? Also how many times has Fetch pooped on you? ewwwwwwwwww.
    Hey Justin why don't you let him sit on your head........haha, love, Gramma

  5. Owen, are you going to teach Fetch to stand on your shoulder when you are Captain Jack? That would be really cool.

  6. Owen you are so good with teaching Fetch new tricks, I bet Fetch loves you as much as you love him. He is so cute.
    Does Justin try to get him to say "Bottled water" if he gets thirsty?
    Love & miss you & I can't wait to meet Fetch someday.
    xoxoxo~ Aunt Sissa

  7. owen i like your pet bird and his name. I bet Jimmy would like to play with him. I cant wait to until we visit and i can hold him. Is is a boy or girl? I miss you and Justin very much. Today i got my report card and I made the honnor roll. I have swimming to night. Bye for now Love Emily.
