Well - As you can see from the pictures Owen is now riding the bus to and from school. He is loving it! Today was his first day riding the bus, and of course being his mom, I wanted to wait at the bus stop with him but he requested that I go home (he went so far as to call me grandmama so the kids wouldn't think his "mommy" was there with him). It's ok, I was able to laugh it off, really I'll be okay (sniff sniff). He also made a point to tell me not to stand on the corner and wait for his bus that he would walk right home after being dropped off. I said "Well I'll be waiting on the porch for sure!". He is 6 going 16. These photos were snapped quickly and privately I felt like a private investigator (haha). Anyhow, Aunt Sissa even tried to bribe him to let me take his picture and she would send him a dollar, which he laughed at that bribe and said he is already rich and doesn't need "just" a dollar. Yes, he idolizes Donald Trump (gets excited whenever he sees him on tv or on a magazine cover). So my big baby boy isn't a baby anymore. Owen is doing wonderful in school. I had PT conferences this morning and he is really doing well, his math skills are quite impressive to his teacher and we both agreed that math is coming out to be one of his stronger academic skills. He's got a best friend, Aaron, that's in his class, in our neighborhood, and they are on the same track for 1st grade (Aaron also rides the bus with him!). We are going to a birthday party for another one of Owen's buddies next weekend at the Durham Bulls, should be a great time!
At least I have Justin, although yesterday he told me to "Get out of here." when I whispered in his ear in his class asking him if he "had to go potty". Hey, at least I whispered! Where did the time go and what happened to my babies? When Justin did get out of school he still let me snuggle him up. The picture of Justin is in his closet where he loves to retreat. This was how I found him this morning! Justin is doing great in school and has already been to three birthday parties for his friends!! He loves that because he knows he'll get a goody bag! The teachers just love having him as a part of the class. They love to here his knock knock jokes during snack time (I just hope he keeps them clean, "knock knock, whose there? poopoo!") and say "he is a ray of sunshine in our class". He is very excited that he is "almost" 5 and already has a list going for his birthday. He's even woken up a couple times asking "Is today my birthday?" (I think he was even dreaming of it!).
So everything is going great down here and we all seem to be well adjusted to our new surroundings. We still have a lifetime of exploring to do in this beautiful state and are enjoying every bit of our adventures. Hope all is well back in MI (and now PA!) Lindsay, when are you going to start your blog? Until next time....
Love from all of us!