Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween to everyone!! The boys had so much fun. At 3:00 today Justin decided he wanted to be Anakin Skywalker so we put together a pretty cool costume using the dress up clothes we had around the house. Yesterday, Owen decided he wanted to be a spooky skeleton and paint his face. We had fun getting ready for Halloween this year, and Justin has been walking around scary me all day. I think so far this was the best Halloween, both boys were really into it. We carved pumpkins last night. Owen carved his pumpkin (on the left in the picture of the two pumpkins) all by himself, no help from either of us. He did a really good job. Shaun helped Justin with his pumpkin. They had fun with that too. The class picture is Justin's class, he is the blue Power Ranger in the second row, fourth from the right. They put on a really cute Halloween program where they paraded around and then sang some really cute Halloween songs. We couldn't tell if Justin was singing along because of his mask but when it was all over I was telling him how fun and cute that it was and he looked at me and with a nasty look and just said "That was so dumb!". That's my boy!!!
They got way too much candy and there were hundreds of kids throughout the neighborhood. We trick or treated for two hours, they were tired and ready to come home and eat some of their treats. We had a wonderful day, the weather was perfect. It was a really nice first Halloween at our new home!!
Hope ya'll enjoyed your day!!
Papa Bear, Cowgirl Jame, Anakin, and Mr. Bones!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another Birthday Party!!

Justin had his party at Pump It Up today and he had a great time. All of his friends showed up and he got some really cool gifts. He had so much fun as you can see by the pictures.

Thanks again to everyone that sent gifts, gift cards, and cards. You made his birthday all the more special which makes him so happy! We are all so thankful to have such wonderful family and friends that are so kind to the boys. Thank you!!


The big 5 year old and his family!

When You Wish Upon A Star...

4 Rain Ponchos at Disney souveneir shop: $25
2 Trips to the urgent care: $400

Seeing your dad scared too death on the Tower of Terror: Priceless!

Hope you enjoy these pics from Disney World. As you can see we had a great time. Except for 2 visits to the urgent care (1 because Shaun had an ear infection and the 2nd because Justin split his chin open at the waterpark), everything went great.

A special thanks to Grama & Grampa (Mom & Dad) for the wonderful trip!!