On Sunday evening my mom got out one of the puzzles that santa brought Justin. As she dumped the pieces out on the table she let out a loud shriek. Inside was a huge wolf spider. We think it may have bitten her. I am not sure what happened, but the picture below shows how she woke up on Monday.

Happy New Year to all! And a happy birthday to mom/grandma/spiderwoman. We finally finished up our Christmas season over the weekend with my mom & dad visiting. The boys had the 3rd & final round of presents. Everyone had a great time. On Friday we went to the Hurricanes game. It was a great game with a lot of action, a fight, and even a penalty shot (I had never seen one in a live game before). On Saturday we had another warm day and went to the science museum in Durham. On Saturday we had a rare cold and rainy day and just sat around and let the boys play all day. It was a fun weekend.
It is hard to beleive it has already been 1 year since we made our move. In some ways it feels like we have just moved here, in others, it feels like we have been here for years. Life is kind of weird like that. We are looking forward to a great 08 with continued adventures. We love being able to keep everyone updated on the Blog and will continue to due so.
Make it a great year and live it with no regrets!!!!
Until next time...